Zuiderzeeland regional water authority
The Zuiderzeeland Regional Water Authority protects Flevoland from flooding and drought, and ensures proper waste water treatment. It does not operate alone, but works in close cooperation with other regional authorities, like the provinces and the municipalities. NGO's and other stakeholders are also involved in the process of collaboration.
What is the Zuiderzeeland regional water authority all about?
The Zuiderzeeland Regional Water Authority manages the water in the polders of Eastern and Southern Flevoland and the Northeast polder. This covers a total of 150 thousand hectares of land, in which some 365 thousand people live. The Zuiderzeeland Regional Water Authority also manages two peripheral lakes. Its tasks include maintaining the predetermined water level and the dikes, maintaining water ways, monitoring water quality and treating both domestic and industrial waste water. Moreover, Zuiderzeeland is responsible for combating muskrats in order to prevent damage to dikes and banks. It also coordinates the fight against botulism in the control area.
Unique landscape
Flevoland lives: many thousands of people live, work and relax here every day. The local flora and fauna make for a unique landscape. It's easy to take all this for granted. However, sustaining this situation demands a great deal of hard work. If the Zuiderzeeland Regional Water Authority didn't do its work properly, the polders would soon be flooded. At its lowest point, this ‘new land' lies some five meters below sea level. Proper water management is essential for all life and requires more than just maintaining dikes. The water in the polders must constantly be kept at the correct level. Waste water has to be treated and must not pollute drainage ditches and lakes.
Working together
In Flevoland too, open space is gradually disappearing. Thousands of extra homes and many hectares of industrial estates are required. These all demand space. Also, farmers want adequate farmland. At the same time, there is an increasing desire for nature conservation areas and recreational facilities. The busier the polder gets, the greater the need for proper water management. But water also needs space.
Close cooperation is essential to safeguard the space required for water. Which is why the Zuiderzeeland Regional Water Authority maintains close links with municipalities, provinces, other regional water authorities, various governmental and non-governmental social, environmental organisations (NGO's). And of course with residents. In this way, the Zuiderzeeland Regional Water Authority ensures that the interests of water are as well-promoted as all the other interests.
Working together on integrated water management for a safe, high-quality and attractive environment in an open and responsible manner. That is the task of the Zuiderzeeland Regional Water Authority.